What happens in a class?


In Biodanza we use specific exercises and music to create a space and experience in which to express our human potentials.

Communicating non-verbally, through dance, we are able to connect and express ourselves in a way that is often difficult with words.

Regular classes (link) enable us to come together, and to co-create a safe environment forming affective, loving connections, that help us to accept and be accepted by other people.

The classes we share together have an intention to make a connection as human beings. In that moment of ‘communion’ – independent of our race/gender/status/ability etc – we find a shared connection with other people that upholds our own humanity as equal to others. This is the starting point of the aim of the class in which to discover and express our dance.

Within this safe group/environment that is created with regular classes of Biodanza, the aim is for each person to discover and express their own unique dance while also being part of other shared dances, sometimes in two’s, sometimes in groups of 3,4,5 etc and also in the dance that is shared by the whole group.

Sign up for our mailing list here, discover more information on weekly classes for 2023 here, and our Blog here. I am looking forward to dancing with you soon!